The Benefits of Group Therapy

How Does That Make You Feel?

Accountability for Pornography Use – Does it Help?

Two Common Myths About Porn and Sex Addiction

What is Mindfulness and How Can It Help Me?

What Does That Say About You?

My Favorite Marriage Advice

Finding Ways to Connect in Your Relationship

Defending From What?

Giving Your Brain a Break from Porn—And Why It’s Important for Healing

Welcome Alex Primo, MA, LMFT

Are You Listening?

Healing Through Marriage Therapy

Moving Towards Your Issues to Find Healing

No, Starting Addiction Counseling Doesn’t Mean You Have to Go to Meetings for the Rest of Your Life—And Here’s Why

Porn Addiction books worth your Time

Grief in no uncertain terms

Breaking Bread, Breaking a Sweat, and Breaking Addiction

Alice in Wonderland